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2004-05-07 - 3:05 p.m.

Well, last night was a fun dinner of Thai curry soup with my friend Emily (she's officially addicted to my cooking, which I find amusing as well as flattering) while PS went off to see if he could rescue the Indian.

Em went home relatively early so I did some paperwork puttering and then spent some more time on the great Sewing Room Organization Project. Worthwhile time, it turns out, as I got several more boxes cataloged and ready to go to the garage. I also pulled several cards for some projects I may want to start soon. I'm probably being a tad unreasonable but I would love to have something for Warbands that doesn't hang on me like a sack.... And it's not like I'm starting it the night before - I have something like three whole weeks before the event!

So I puttered and made headway there, and was fast asleep when PS came home. This morning we were groggy getting up but I got into work to discover that the training session had started at 8:30 (we don't start work til 9). It wasn't a critical training session, so I'm just as glad to have missed it, but honestly today I am *bored*. I've been fribbiting around all day trying to avoid my current task (reviewing all our procedural documentation....) Sigh. I listened to the BBC2 interview with BNL ('cause I missed part of it last night), and I've had my lunch and I've still got nearly two hours to kill. Two more hours of reviewing disorganized out-of-date documentation. Bleah. What a waste of a day (or several days actually).

But now comes the weekend and that should be good for wedding merriment, some quality BG time, some house stuff and we're off to see Van Helsing on Sunday, so that should be good too. I guess I should get back to being "busy"....

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