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2004-03-05 - 1:14 p.m.

This isn't going to help the whole left-out thing, but unfortunately PS & I are going to punt on KASF. It's not one of my top ten events anyway - we were really going to see people rather than to be at the event, but events are conspiring against us.

Steve cut his forehead at work so he can't fight for a couple of weeks while it heals, which removes most of what he was planning to do there.

Steve got offered overtime for today and tomorrow which is great for our cash flow, and for his job approval, but makes travel hard.

We are still having car issues relating to having the same number of legal and functional cars as we have drivers, so there will be car repair happening.

I need to get ready for my new job, including buying some more work clothes, getting hair cut, etc.

Poor Bagheera has been limping since she leapt off the counter, so I'm taking her to the vet.

So, a busy weekend, but not involving going to KASF. Y'all have a good time, I hope the displays are great. Catch up with y'all later.

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