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2003-04-11 - 1:51 p.m.

I like Kevin's advice-to-yourself question. Lessee, spring 2000, what would I tell myself?

1) [I don't recall (now) whether this would be too late, but] reallocate your retirement portfolio - it's lost about half its value in the last several years.

2) Keep better track of your stuff and your friends if you move out of the country.

3) Be open to opportunities.

As someone else was saying, most of my catastrophic decision-making was lots further back in time.....

Week is still sucky-suck-suck-suck, busy, crazy. PS is keeping busy with the Amazing Collapsing House. My world focus is narrowing to work only.

Although I had a minor triumph the other day, with discovering several generations of family history info I didn't previously have....

Must get back to the mines....

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