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2003-04-08 - 3:18 p.m.

I guess I fall mostly into the 'what's going on in my life' diarists, with occasional forays into philosophy/opinion and teenaged angst.

These days, my life is one long spate of busy-ness so I haven't had a lot of time for philosophical meanderings.

The weekend was wonderful - good food, projects, excellent company. But since I got home, it's been go-go-go and I'm tired. I'm also not sleeping well (and I'm not sure why), so I'm doubly tired and on edge.

Work has become insane. I now have more clients than even I, the relatively-good multi-tasker, can keep track of, and they're *all* having crises. Sigh.

I'm trying to enforce structure in my life by eating right and going to the gym. It seems to be sorta working. But somehow things have gotten a little out of control/behind, and it's frustrating. Ah well.

But I have a new cote pattern, so I can make myself some new clothes. Steve has armour patterns so hopefully we'll have new armour soon. We have rattan and I have two new swords just waiting for some shaping and stuff. We have a fairly-busy planned event calendar.

I just wish I had more energy....

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