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2003-01-23 - 11:47 a.m.

The Big Guy speaks the truth. He asks:

1)What reasons caused you to go to the last few events?

Hm. Not sure. In the last year I went to:

* Twelfth Night/Coronation in Drachenwald (I was cooking and it was a blast - Caerphilly Castle!)

* Thomas & Denise's investiture (to see people, since I'd just gotten back; had a mediocre time)

* Gulf Wars (to do Board politics and see friends; had a good time)

* two Board post-revels ('cause we have to, they're usually not-too-exciting)

* Warbands & Coronation in Drachenwald (to see people, fight, participate in a knighting ceremony; had an awesome time)

* Pennsic (to buy loot, see people and keep up my streak; wasn't there long enough)

* Coronation ('cause I felt like I should, wanted to get out and see folks; had a crappy time mostly)

2) For how many of those was medieval fun the overriding reason?

One and a half, maybe? (Twelfth Night & partly Warbands)

3) How many events would you go to if you didn't know anybody there (like probably your first event)?

Hm. Dunno. Maybe more?

I am similarly less interested in going to the same old event or an event that tries to be all things to all people. The best events I've been to (or heard about) are the ones that focused on a specific time period/activity/etc. - Judgement of Paris, Seven Deadly Sins, the first Knight event in Lochmere, the Roxbury event I missed. I like events that admit of some preparation.

Frankly, I realize there are lots of cool 'theme' events, but these happen to be 'themes' I'm interested in. I can recognize that others wish to attend Elizabethan/Middle Eastern/Italian/Viking/Vampire events - tthey're just not my cuppa. Well, mostly not (I had a great time at the Italian nozze some years ago....)

But I think folks should have a variety of events to choose from, not the same event in a different school gym....

Speaking of which, y'all should come to Lochmere's Midwinter Dance Revel! I'm cooking, the food should be plentiful and tasty, there will be much dancing and gaming and frivolity. So send Arianna your money and come on out! (Feb 15, St. James Church near Annapolis).

Later all.

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