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2001-07-17 - 12:50 p.m.

(can I hope third time is the charm? I keep getting fragged half way thru....)

The Mad Horde sets off for Coronation.

We were all supposed to meet at my house Thursday. The time didn't really get fixed til, oh, noonish, and that was after Dan showed up at 9:30 thinking we were leaving in the morning.... Ah, organization. Then various folks had to work late (including Ken and me). Then there was some chaos involving Steve's keys and having to go back to the rental place three villages over. The car from Wales had to go back to Cardiff for Anwyn's passport. And so on. We ended up loaded, planning to meet the car at the ferry, and eating supper standing up by the van waiting for the grocery folks to return, but got off not too much past our absolute departure time to not miss the ferry. We, in this case, is Steve (coordinator of the now infamous Warbands trip and our faithful driver), Paul, Dan and Fiona(also on the Warbands trip), my soon-to-be apprentice Tina, and me (in the van) and Dayle, Ken & Anwyn in the car from Wales.

We made it through evil London traffic to Dover with only one close call on the motorway where a lorry tried to merge with the van. The van actually got a cursory search leaving Britain (!?) but we made it onto the ferry. Tina didn't get too sick, thanks to some time on the outdoor deck and a distracting game of Primero for penny stakes, and drinks from the bar on the ferry. France and Belgium are boring at night, but we got to the site and Floris reopened the tavern so we had some lovely Belgian fruit beers before retiring to the floor upstairs. We were on the grounds of a late-period castle/chateau, which provided a lovely backdrop for the rest of the weekend.

Friday there were equestrian activities, which we missed due to a trip to town to find an ATM that would take our cards (and failing, leading to really hysterical cash-flow crises) and to find the grocery. Got back in time for lunch and a very laid back pseudo-pas. SOmewhere in here there were rehearsals for the Coronation, and your exhausted narrator took a long nap or three. Friday night there was much waiting around because we were supposed to start a Pelican vigil at 11-ish but the candidate's flight was delayed so it started more like 1, and I finally got to bed around 2-something. Ugh. But we went over to the Fat Guys camp and sang and had a good time so that was fun.

Saturday came way too early and we were still recruiting cast members and bearers for Coronation. But Their Nibs looked fine, and last court started without a hitch, and only about 15 minutes late due to the late arrival of the thrones.

For those of you who haven't heard bits of this, Coronation was more 'special' than usual for a couple of reasons. First, it was the Coronation of my dear Signy, but it was also the stepping down of Peregrine, another dear friend and one for whom we had cooked up a rather special ceremony. He, being a good Viking, wanted to die with his sword in his hand and be carried off by scantily-clad valkyries (or busty ones, depending on whose story you hear). So we'd gotten with Sigmundr, a professor of Norse stuff, to get a really splendid ceremony together. We'd recruited Valkyrjar and costumed them. We'd gotten a cast. We'd written a lament. We'd staged everything as best we could....

Somewhere early in court, one of the German guys is called up and he tells the King of a prophetic dream he'd had, where Valfather (Odinn) spoke of welcoming Peregrine to his halls. Peregrine is suitably startled, but continues court.

Court progresses, some awards are given, and another lady is called forward. She tells of a vision she'd had on the way to the event, of a Valkyrja speaking to a raven of the coming of Peregrine the hero. She is rewarded with a silver coin for her speech, and Peregrine and Melusine try to make light of these ominous portents.

Court continues, and finally the herald gives us the high-sign (he's married to one of the Valks, and had been in on the whole deal). Out from a tent at the back of the hall (thanks, Terafan!) comes a tall, dark-robed figure, faceless and nameless. He strides to the front of the court, is challenged by the royal guards and freezes them with a gesture (they'd been well-cued too!) He gives a terrific speech (from memory, in a booming voice - nice to have some actors in the crowd!!) Three spear-wielding Valkyries clad in shimmering gowns (over bodices to give that busty look!) and wearing horned helmets (not my idea!!!) come forward to take Peregrine to Valholl. Four bearers come, with a big "shield" (made by Steve - thanks!) to carry him away, after giving up the Crown, with his naked sword on his breast. Odinn and Sigurdr speak to him, and he is offered a horn of Odinn's ale (okay, it was Scapa!) and he retreats into the tent, eyes shining - I think it worked. (I stage-managed, and was going to be the fourth Valkyrja except I realized I needed to be watching cues and stuff...)

Melusine crowns her son and his lady, they all drink Peregrine's funeral cup with their coronation toast, and things progress into the Coronation ceremony. Whew, it's finally over!

The rest of the day is a bit of a blur. I swore fealty privately, with Her Majesty's lady in waiting and guard. There was a meeting about a problem Barony over here, and a Laurel meeting. There were tournies for the Queen's Champions. There was the rest of Genna's Pelican vigil. While Their Majesties were sitting in state, I gathered as many of my friends together as I could (it ended up being a huge mob!) and took Lady Lucrezia-Isabella di Freccia as my apprentice in a very nice ceremony. Their Majesties held court. There was a feast and Their Majesties invited me to sit with them. The gentleman I'd hoped to invite to sit with me was sitting with another lady already (pout!) so I invited Lady Meesha (the Queen's guard and a great friend) to sit with me and we had a blast helping Her Grace judge the hand-kissing contest, and making margaritas for high table (Her Grace had never had one, so I brought fixins....)

After the feast, things got even more blurry. The valkyries put back on their outfits, and I put on mine (sort of), and we did tequila shots, body shots, shared shots, etc. with His new Excellency, then removed most of his clothes, laid him on High Table and massaged him with oil. Ah the life of a King....

Got to bed *way* too late. Accidentally drank Her Grace's expensive tequila. Had a blast. Sang. Wandered off with a gentleman for a bit. Had to get up in the morning and load out (ugh). But we had a pretty good trip home, stopped for lunch on the way, got back to London by early evening and collapsed.

So that was Coronation. There's more since then, but that will have to wait for another entry!

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