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2003-10-09 - 1:42 p.m.

Staying at work til 9pm, then conquering the universe til nearly midnight makes for a sleepy K on Thursdays. I've had two meetings already, and have a third in an hour, I've edited documents and updated schedules and worked on specifications, and now I wish to sleep....

The Big O is off at Gainer-land sorting stuff to go to the Salvation Army, then he's hopefully a) calling job places and b) starting to load the van for the weekend. I had to remember that we needed to put one of the seats in so Prince Charming would have a place to sit - otherwise it could have been awkward!!

I have got a new email address so anyone who needs it should contact me (let's just say I'm not posting it here in spam-ville....)

I'm going to try to fight this weekend....

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