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2003-05-16 - 2:26 p.m.

Hm. Various things.

I'm waiting to see the naalbinding hat, 'cause we almost got Genie another ridiculous hat at Hats in the Belfry in NapTown the other weekend. Very cute. Speaking of which, my esteemed apprentice finally managed to get the wedding picture CD out of her old work PC (the drive died and there was much fu and wa getting the CD out) so we have e-pix of the wedding! Woohoo! Wedding website, here we come!

And on a related note, we've finally got organized on our UK wedding party, which will be in conjunction with my in-laws birthdays and my father-in-law Dave's retirement party, at the Beechdown Sport Club in Basingstoke. Should be a party, and it's a relief to have it vaguely organized.

The Friday Five:

1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?

I'm keen on the big water coolers, cause I've lived places with icky tap water, and I like my water super-cold.

2. What are your favorite flavor of chips?

Hm. As in American chips? Pringles, especially SV, or Curry flavours. Almost all the weird British crisp flavours (smoky bacon, salt & pepper, rosemary & sea salt, etc.) Doritos. SV chips.

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?

Another hm. I make pretty righteous lasagne, although I haven't made it since I made it for my brother's wake, I don't think. I make excellent stroganoff, and a decent variety of other things.

4. How do you have your eggs?

I don't have to have them any particular way, or at all. My favourite English breakfast is bacon & beans. But if I'm having eggs, I prefer them not too greasy with the yolk still runny but the white completely cooked.

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?

PS and I cooked dinner the other night together - salmon, mashed potatoes, asparagus & carrot/pea mix. It was pretty good.

Colin-G did a little tribute to his siblings, which I thought was very, well, sweet - not in a saccharine way, but in a tender, kind sort of way. It made me think of my sister who is two years younger than I am, and in her third year of medical school after an earlier career as a schoolteacher for hearing-impaired (and often multiply-disabled) little children (first & second graders, etc.) She has an incredible spirit. She is empathic but yet doesn't let you get away with anything (such as not taking responsibility for things). She's come through so much, and with such a big heart. I wish I could be more like her.

My brother was much the same way - generous to a fault, and always wanting to take care of people if he could. He had remarkable skills that I didn't appreciate as much as I should have, and he surrounded himself with good people who loved him - what more can anyone say? He was goofy and exasperating, but I miss him terribly. His birthday was earlier this month - he would have been 38.

Similarly, I have been blessed with a huge selection of family-by-choice, without whom my life would be poorer. Thank you all.

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