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2002-06-11 - 5:09 p.m.

Well, this might be my last entry until I get back to England from Scotland.

I am so not ready for this trip. I mean, I'm absolutely ready to see my friends, fight in the castle, squeeze my sweetie, drink good beer, be somewhere where the air is not 90% water. The forecast for Edinburgh for the weekend is 60-ish during the day, and we'll be north of there. Mmm.

But I'm not done packing or running the myriad pre-trip errands. I need to do a load of laundry so I have clean undies and jeans, return something to Barnes & Noble (because I won't be able to do it after I get back), buy new shirts for my sweetie, maybe get myself a new pair of jeans, throw my armour into its golf bag and prep some minor sewing projects for the flight and the long car ride to Scotland.

Then I need to tidy the Kuijt's house (I did mine last night), clean the catboxes and generally get ready to go. I leave work tomorrow at 2, get a ride to the airport, and take off at 6:45 (in theory). I don't actually mind transatlantic flying much anymore and the United website says we've got good movies (ie ones I want to see but haven't seen). In theory Dan (of sausage fame) is meeting me at Heathrow to help me schlepp my worldly goods up to Lucrezia's, where I'm going to spend the day. In theory we're leaving for Scotland at the crack of dawn Friday morning....

Catch up with you all later!

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