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2004-05-31 - 6:58 a.m.

Good morning all!

I'm still not sure what time my body thinks it is, and starting Saturday evening I came down with a head cold, so I'm up now....

The flight was fine, or as fine as cattle class can be. We made our way to the home of Dan the Sausage man, and crashed out for a while, after a delicious lamb doner. Friday evening we went to the home of the Maltese contingent for takeaway curry and company since it was the only time we'd get to see them.

Saturday, after some significant lying-in we went into town, browsed bookshops (found some more books on van der Weyden and Bouts but didn't buy them), ate Thai noodle soup, wandered around. We went to Milroys and were summarily ignored by the staff, so opted not to buy anything (plus the exchange rate is killing us....) We had a couple pints at the Wheatsheaf, then toodled home, puttered a bit, had another kebab and went to bed (eventually).

Yesterday (Sunday) was a fiasco organizationally but we had a good time at a BBQ at my apprentice's and now we're at Mish's. Today we're heading to Basingstoke to visit the family.

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