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2003-12-23 - 4:15 p.m.

This is likely to be my last entry for a bit, unless I manage some computer time while we're travelling (which might or might not happen, depending....)

Tonight I have to do what will woefully pass for Christmas shopping in my universe - I only have a couple of people to shop for, and I have a couple of ideas, but it's definitely significantly more lame than usual.

Then tomorrow *beastly* early we hop a big bird for the Left Coast. Well, Oregon, which is really pretty left, most of the time. We're back for two days next week then off to Florida for the New Year's weekend.

Should be fun, but we'll likely be wiped. Sorry we won't see most of you during the holidays, but hope to catch up later in January.

Cheers all! Enjoy the season!

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