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2003-09-22 - 10:28 a.m.

Well, after three days with no power, we got electricity yesterday evening about 9:30. It's funny, we'd just sorta gotten into the routine when it came back on. We had cold showers Sunday, and planned for showers at the gym today (including packing gym bags, etc.) Steve went out early Sunday morning (5am) to improve our ice supply, and thanks to some quick thinking and the Best Babe's freezer shelf, we didn't lose much in the way of perishables. As SCAdians and campers, we had camp stove, candles, lanterns, etc. (we even hung our 15thC chandelier from the kitchen light fixture). So, no major harm done other than a not-terribly-productive weekend (okay, and getting my ass kicked in KoC while I was offline, but that's hardly relevant at this stage).

I hope everyone else is recovering smoothly!

It was funny though, when the power came on, all of a sudden there were cheers out of the darkness from throughout the neighborhood....

Steve has a job "interview" today....

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