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2003-07-14 - 1:17 p.m.

Well, the rest of the weekend carried on in much the same vein. I got up relatively ontime Sunday (after staying up a little later than I'd planned Saturday thanks to computer games and a good book - Mark Fabi's Wyrm.) I pottered and did house stuff and got my sewing together to go to the Babe's, and was all ready to go (well, mostly), when the phone rang. One of the calls was Theo with logistics discussions, but there was at least one other call, and then when I was trying to leave again, my husband came home (early, no less!) from Assessment.

So we snuggled a bit and then I *finally* headed off. The babe & I had a lunchish snack, pondered my paint chips for a bit, and the retreated to the sewing room where I cut out three tunics for the PS and she pondered the feast menu for Knight of the Heart. A productive afternoon!

I got home and snuggled the man some more, then we had lovely Thai shrimp salad for dinner and tried to get ourselves organized for the week and Pennsic, and then crashed out.

Today has been good - I've been trying to get work done, and I gave my dummy presentation this morning and it went very well. Now I'm arguing with my credit union (they're morons! I don't even know why I keep banking with them!) and trying to stay focused on stuff for work when I really want to think about Pennsic. And eating my lunch - how exciting!

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