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2003-04-29 - 2:43 p.m.

Okay, so I started an entry earlier and lost it. Before that I tried to post but was blocked 'cause I'm not a Gold member. (I tried to become a Gold member, but it involved closing my existing PayPal account, reopening a new one, etc. and that was too much work for the three minutes I had between tasks....)

Baby steps. I will be leaving the Board at the end of the July meeting. I managed to get rid of most of my remaining additional Board responsibilities, although I'm having major angst about what a bad job I did, and that's unlikely to diminish soon. Sigh.

Baby steps. Steve got fingerprinted today, and they're finally sending us the receipt for his paperwork, so he can get a SSN. They also seemed optimistic about him getting Advance Parole so he can come back in after our trip in June.

Baby steps. Our house is slowly getting into better order, and we're making some good decisions about improvements and things to get rid of. We're even (slowly) managing to get out of debt.

But boy am I tired. Milwaukee was fun, though, and I ate many bratwurst.

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