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2003-04-07 - 6:15 p.m.

After a chaotic start I had a lovely and relaxing weekend.

Finished work Friday, scurried home to finish packing (Thursday night I was wiped and sad, so I didn't get all the packing done). As I was finishing packing, the phone rang and it was the girls calling from England. An hour later (but a well-spent hour gossiping and visiting!) we're off the phone and finishing packing. Decide to abort the original dinner plans and hit the road.

We got to Corby & Thjora's around 9:45-10, which was later than we'd hoped but not obscene. Sat around, visited, had some wine, plotted for the morning.

Saturday morning saw us eating pancakes and watching garden/house shows on TV and playing with Maxi the Lickin'est Dog, before starting on patterns and stuff. PS got his armour patterns made, and got patterns of the Glastonbury chairs, and made two new molds for spangles, plus he cleaned out Corby's melting pot. Thjora & I made a cote pattern, and pondered fabrics. Geniealisa and Puckeater came over and we all hung out, drank wine, the hunters went and got us meat and salad stuff, and we all lay around like slugs after a late dinner (including watching the DVD of the first four episodes of Futurama!)

Sunday we got up slowly, had a yummy breakfast including cheesy eggs and popovers, then we had to hit the road to meet up with my crazy family at Arundel Mills for dinner before putting Grandmother and my aunt back on a plane to Florida. We achieved all this, and collapsed at home.

Today has been moderately productive, but now it's time for me to go to the gym....

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