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2003-02-27 - 9:11 a.m.

Update from last night:

Apparently the INS in their infinite wisdom (or something) lowered the fees for a month (Jan 24 - Feb 28), so since we're mailing back the paperwork today, we get to send in less money. And start the waiting over again. The idiot woman at the customer disservice center said 'it's not that big a deal, just send in a check' and then got shirty with me, so I ended up talking to her supervisor. That was more useful, and I also got the address to write to the Internal Audit folks about this spastic process.

So, we start waiting again. I hope we can get Steve out (and back in) for our honeymoon in June.

And in the meantime, I can only second what Bookgirl & the Best Babe have written - it's a poorer world without Fred Rogers. I met him once, in 1996 at a conference in Pittsburgh (he was a guest speaker), and he was just like he seemed - a genuinely nice man.

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