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2003-02-03 - 11:04 a.m.

Wow, apparently I passed the hundred-entry mark some time ago without even knowing.... Weirdness.


University was fun. I took classes, participated in a panel, helped teach a class and bummed around for a couple of periods hanging out with folks and just being a bum (and adoring various small children). Cracker Barrel afterwards was interesting, but it was good to get home. I think I'm coming down with something - I've had headachy - chills - stuffy head - sore throat issues yesterday and today. Steve took the entire Siege Weapons track and is all fired up to build one in our back garden. That and making sausages. Messy combination!

Yesterday I got to spend three hours at the Rappahannock Roasting & Coffee Shop in Arlington hanging out with my friend Joy who moved to New Jersey last year so I hardly get to see her anymore. It was wonderful. She asks hard questions.

* * *

Columbia. We didn't even hear about it until we were standing in line at University (the guys slept on the way down so I didn't have the radio on). I'm with EduCait. As someone who grew up on Heinlein, the space program has always been a vital part of my being (if not in the same way as for those who live it, like Theo (hugs!)). I was determined to be an astronaut up til the point I discovered I was too fat and too blind, and even then I never stopped dreaming. My thoughts are with the families and colleagues of the Columbia crew, but they gave their lives in a noble and valiant cause. As the Best Babe & AoD say, this is such an important undertaking.


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