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2002-09-20 - 5:36 p.m.

Not much to say today. Congrats to Meng & Brian on the baby - I'm sure she's adorable. Congrats in advance to Susie & David - looking forward to celebrating with you tomorrow.

Thanks to CPM for the invite to the theatre Wednesday - it was hysterical (Coffee With Richelieu). And thanks for the Jazzercise info - I'll check it out!

Not much else exciting. Mortgage paperwork, wedding planning, too much work, not enough time. The usual. I tried to call Steve today about his paperwork and when we last left our hero he was looking for the important checklist of stuff he's supposed to bring to the interview.... Sigh.

Otherwise, life carries on. Not much exciting to report. It's Friday date night and I'm at work, hopefully printing wedding invitations soon.

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