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2002-06-28 - 2:44 a.m.

I guess I'm not having as crappy a week as many of those I know. I'm not stranded in a country where I have to struggle with the language (although I cringe at some people's use of it!), I'm not sick or about to lose my job, or trapped in searching for my name on the web....

I'm tired though, and ready for the weekend. Work has been good but busy, and I had my first day on the client site today (which also meant an hour-plus commute each way to Fairfax - ugh!)

I only put on a couple of pounds while I was in England (and some of that might have been dinner at On the Border yesterday).

So, I can't really complain too much. I'm looking forward to a weekend of not much - maybe I'll catch a movie or something, call my sweetie, do some more unpacking (I've got boxes, Jessica!) or just lie around like a lump....


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