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2001-06-22 - 9:09 a.m.

It's been a long week.

I ended up staying up late Monday having beers with Dan. Tuesday was okay but I was knackered, and fell asleep reading about 8:30. Once again, didn't get my clothes off til midnight - this is becoming a bizarre trend.

Wednesday night was my Call of Cthulhu game, which was a blast (although this time I nearly killed off Dan's character, Meredith Chomondley-Carmichael instead of making her insane like last week) and then I stayed up to talk to Meesh about interpersonal fu over the weekend.

Come Thursday and Steve & Evelyn arrive from the US for a week of holidaying. We had dinner and did some trip-planning, and meanwhile I'm frantically trying to get everything ready for Coronation - garb, ceremonies, props, catering, lodgings, travel. Oh, and apparently being given the brush-off by yet another person I was interested in (although this one had at least progressed before dying out....)

Sigh. Busy today too - big meeting/presentation thing for higher-ups. Pray for me!

And happy Solstice everyone!!!

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